Person typing on a laptop with code on the screen

As the name suggests, an IT Assistant will be involved in helping others in all aspects of the IT department’s work. They offer vital support to colleagues, and the role will often include liaising with other departments to keep the company’s networks and systems working to their optimum levels. This is a varied role that also offers the chance to gain an understanding of the various aspects of Information Technology and establish an excellent career path.

Duties and responsibilities - What does an IT Assistant do?

There are a great many potential duties for an IT Assistant, including:

  • Helping to install, configure and maintain the company’s IT framework
  • Setting up hardware and software applications as and when required
  • Providing general support for the IT department and for the company’s computer users
  • Installing and maintaining various peripherals as well as installing relevant updates and patches
  • Handling customer and colleague queries regarding networks, systems and applications, often through a help desk.
  • Various ongoing tasks such as checking and proofreading content, data entry, database maintenance and using printers, copiers and the like

Qualities needed for a successful IT Assistant

One of the most important aspects of this role is the ability to learn and progress. IT Assistants are often starting out on a rewarding and fulfilling career, and this is usually the first rung of their chosen ladder. Therefore, a patient and understanding individual will be best suited, especially if he or she has an affinity for technology and how it can help in our daily lives.

The ability to communicate well with others, from end users to senior management, will be a major advantage, as will an analytical mind and a strong urge to succeed. IT Assistants will often have to work hand in hand with other departments, and there will be times when the pressure is really on. Therefore, an ability to work well under time constraints will go a long way.

Finally, this role will always have a close relationship with technologies that are available now and those yet to come. An enquiring mind is a must, along with the ability to adapt to new innovations as and when they come along. Standing still in a job like this really isn’t an option.

Qualifications and technical skills - How to become an IT Assistant?

While some IT Assistant roles are at a relatively low level, employers are still likely to look for applicants with a sound academic background. This could include advanced qualifications in subjects similar to computer science, web design, basic programming, and front and back-end development. These could be at certification or degree level depending on the specific vacancy.

It is also worth noting that potential employers and recruiters will look for candidates with a good basic knowledge of a number of applications. These can include the likes of Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, Dropbox, Slack, Google Meet, Asana, Zendesk and Zoom.

Career development - What is the next step after IT Assistant?

Those who are successful in the role of IT Assistant can look to progress their careers further along a well-defined path. Future positions open to them can include IT Auditor, IT Manager, Service Manager, DevOps Specialist, Support Technician, Engineer, Cloud Architect, and IT Program Manager.

Salary and remuneration - How much does an IT Assistant make?

Entry level salaries for IT Assistants are reflective of the fact that these are often jobs at the beginning of a career path.

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